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The Famine/Bo Gheal Chalanais
(The White Cow of Calanais)

MP3 sound clip
Ard os cionn traigh Loch Roag tha na seasamh clachan aosmhor
Far na dheirich bo bhan Chalanais mach as cop a chuain Siar

Anns an dutharach air feasgar Samhraidh chun na cuibhle ni iad gluas 'd
An ocras anns gach mionach cuineag bainne airson am feum

Agus dannsaidh iad dannsa dannsaidh iad dansa agus dannsa
High Above Loch Roag's shore stand the ancient stones
Where the white cow of Calanais arose from Atlantic foam

In the twilight on a summer's eve to the circle they proceed
Hunger in their bellies all, a pail of milk for their needs

And they dance, dance, dance, and they dance


The story of Bo Gheal Chalanais (The White Cow of Calanais) has survived within the oral traditions of both Lewis and Huron Township. In the Huron Township version, a white cow emerges in time of famine from the waters of Loch Roag on Lewis' west side. The white cow then leads hungry villagers to the ancient stone circle at Calanais where it provides them with a pail of milk each evening.

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