Full Version:
OMNIPOTENT Invincibility
BOOMSTIX All weapons
JIMMY All keys
DONNYTRUMP All money and artifacts
PUMPUP Accessories
GRIPPER Stealth boots
RIFT## Warp to level ##
TOPO Full Map toggle (use when looking at map)
LEGO One piece of the Sigil each time its used
ELVIS No Clipping mode
STONECOLD Kill all enemies on level
SCOOT# Teleport to map spot
GPS Display co-ordinates
SPIN## Swith music to track ## (00-35)
Shareware Version:
STUFF Invincibility, all weapons and keys, and a teleporter beacon
IBGOD Invincibility
GUNS All weapons
LISTIT Accessories
OPEN All keys
STIC Stealth Boots
MONEY Money and toughness
KILLEM Kill all enemies on level
SPIRIT No Clipping mode
GOTO## Warp to level ## (32-34)
MOVEME# Teleport to map spot
IDDT Full Map toggle (use when looking at map)
ILIVE Auto use health toggle (Same as pressing F5)
IDMYPOS Display co-ordinates
IDMUS## Chang music to track ## (01-10)
TIC Devparm Toggle