Grand Theft Auto
At the character select screen enter these codes as your name.
itstantrum Unlimited lives
6031769 Unlimited lives
suckmyrocket All weapons, all armor and a Get Out Of Jail Free card
buckfas All weapons (press the * on the NUMPAD)
itsgallus All levels and cities
nineinarow All levels and cities
super well All levels and cities
iamthelaw No police
stevesmates No police
itcouldbeyou 999999999 Points
hate machine Point values raised
porkcharsui Diagnostic Mode
To turn off time is hold Z and do the folloing, downC, upC, upC,downC.
When you explode, this code will leave u in the same place where exlpoded
{but if u expolde two times the game will take you some where}
Hold Z while you do this "leftC, rightC, rightC, leftC."
to get big wheels on any car is
Front Wheels - leftC, rightC, rightC, leftC.
Back Wheels - rightC, leftC, leftC, rightC.