FREE Robotic Mount - FREE Ship

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Type these codes:

mpkfa:             god mode
mppos:             global position
mpfps:             frames per second
mpbodyguard:       player takes zero damage
mphighlander:      gives 99 lives
mpthewolf:         goto next level
mpbadmofo:         goto previous level
mpbringthegimp:    goto next boss level
mpignition:        gives keys
mpturbocharger:    gives scrolls
mppetrol:          gives health
mparmorall:        gives armor
mpglovebox:        gives weapons
mpshoes:           gives 99 souls
mpironpockets:     thief can't steal from you
mpbandaid:         health stops fading away
mplockpick:        Gives the skull key
mpomar:            Gives the fire shield artifact
mptroadrunner:     Gives speed boost artifact
mpwinturbo:        Gives super scroll artifact
mpbadbreath:       Gives Freak artifact
mpmintybeath:      Gives Worship artifact

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