Version 1.3d: |
DNKROZ | God Mode Toggle
DNCORNHOLIO | God Mode Toggle
DNSTUFF | All weapons, ammo, and key cards
DNWEAPONS | All weapons and ammo
DNITEMS | All items and key cards
DNKEYS | All key cards
DNCLIP | No Clipping Mode
DNHYPER | Steroids
DNUNLOCK | Opens all doors
DNSKILL# | Changes skill to level #
DNSCOTTYell | (Where e is the episode # and ll
is the two-digit level #) Level Warp
DNVIEW | Chase plane view
DNMONSTERS | Monsters will disappear as soon as they see Duke
DNCASHMAN | Makes Duke throw money when you press the space bar
DNRATE | Displays the frame rate
DNCOORDS | Displays current coordinates
DNDEBUG | Displays debugging info
DNTODD | Displays message: Register Cosmo Today!
DNBETA | Displays message: Pirates Suck!
DNALLEN | Displays message: Buy Major Stryker
Version 1.1:
DNKROZ | God Mode Toggle
DNCORNHOLIO | God Mode Toggle
DNSTUFF | All weapons, ammo, and key cards
DNITEMS | All items and key cards
DNHYPER | Steroids
DNVIEW | Chase plane view
DNCASHMAN | Makes Duke throw money when you press the space bar
DNRATE | Displays the frame rate
DNCLIP | No Clipping Mode
DNMONSTERS | Monsters will disappear as soon as they see Duke
Version 1.0:
DNKROZ | God Mode Toggle
DNCORNHOLIO | God Mode Toggle
DNSTUFF | All weapons, ammo, and key cards
DNITEMS | All items and key cards
DNHYPER | Steroids
DNVIEW | Chase plane view
DNCASHMAN | Makes Duke throw money when you press the space bar
DNRATE | Displays the frame rate
DNSCOTTYel | (Where e is the episode # and l is the level #) Level Warp
DNCOSMO | Displays message: Register Cosmo Today!
DNBETA | Displays message: Pirates Suck!
DNALLEN | Displays message: Buy Major Stryker