LAIMLAME | Full Invincibility
LAPOSTAL | Add Weapons, Ammo, & PowerUps |
LAMAXOUT | Max out all items
LARANDY | Weapon Super Charge
LAUNLOCK | Full inventory
LAREDLITE | Freeze Enemies
LAPOGO | Disable height checking
LACDS | Map Supermode
LASKIP | Force successful level completion
LADATA | Coordinate Information
LABUG | Insect Mode: Fit into small places
LANTFH | Teleport to current map position.
Level Codes: |
LASECBASE | Secret Base
LATALAY | Talay:Tak Base
LASEWERS | Anoat City
LATESTBASE | Research Facility
LAGROMAS | Gromas Mines
LADTENTION | Detention Center
LARAMSHED | Ramsees Hed
LAROBOTICS | Robotic Facility
LANARSHADA | Nar Shaddaar
LAJABSHIP | Jabba's Ship
LAIMPCITY | Imperial City
LAFUELSTAT | Fuel Station
LAEXECUTOR | The Executor
LAARC | The Arc Hammer