Baldur's Gate
*Edit baldur.ini and add the line Cheats=1 to the options section. Save and exit. Run the game. During play, press CTRL-TAB and enter one of the following case sensitive codes.
Cheats:CowKill(); creates a cow kill spell only when near a cow.
Cheats:CriticalItems(); spawns all critical items for game.
Cheats:DrizztDefends(); creates a friendly Drizzt.
Cheats:DrizztAttacks(); creates a hostile Drizzt.
Cheats:ExploreArea(); reveals the current map.
Cheats:FirstAid(); grants multiple healing items.
Cheats:Midas(); grants five hundred gold pieces.
Cheats:TheGreatGonzo(); summons ten frenzied chickens.
Cheats:Hans(); unsticks your characters to an adjacent area.