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Advanced Flight Trainer

Level Codes 

CCELERATION           In flight training
AILERONS              When you first select a maneuver
AIRFLOW               Your first task in an unfamilar
AIRSPEED              Achieving straight and level flight
ALTIMETER             Check your instrument panel
ANGEL OF ATTACK       In a straight climb
ATTITUTE              The visual references for a climb
AVIATION              This is a straight descent
BACK PRESSURE         The visual references for a descent
BANK                  The plain in the attitude indicator
CENTER OF GRAVITY     The glareshield should be at an angle
COMPASS               To take off, the airplane must accelerate
CONTROL SURFACE       Begin by lining up the airplane
DRAG                  Plan your approach to the airport
ELEVATOR              On short final, about
EMPENNAGE             While on final approach
FINAL                 The landing flare is a slow
FLAPS                 Your goal is to make the transition
FUEL STARVATION       The transition from climb to level
G-FORCE               The transition from descent to level
GLARESHIELD           If you start to lose altitude during the turn
GLIDESLOPE            A stall occurs because
HEADING               The first indication of an approaching
LATERAL AXIS LIFT     No sooner was the airplane invented
LONGITUDINAL AXIS     Begin by increasing the power
MACH                  Lincoln Beachey, an early daredevil
PITCH                 As the inverted horizon comes
PROPELLER             Begin the slow roll by increasing power
ROLL                  The immelman was invented by max immelman
RUDDER                The heading of the airplane should be
RUNWAY                Execute a roll, stopping in the inverted position
SERVICE CEILING       Increase power to 100% and reduce the pitch
SKID                  This is the same introduction flight
SLIP                  Increase power to 100% while maintaining
SPIN                  Begin the roll by increasing the power
STALL                 Increase power 100% and attain full speed
THROTTLE              Roll the airplane in the same manner
TRACK                 AFT flashes an on-screen message confirming
VERTICAL AXIS         Your succes as a race pilot depends
VERTICAL STABILIZER   It isn't by accident that the most
YAW                   In formation flying, you test your flying precission

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